There was an odd little girl who wanted nothing more than to be normal. She preferred the company of those thirty years her senior to that of her peers, and she never understood why. In truth, nobody did. When her friends wanted to play dolls, she wanted to take hers on adventures through Victorian slums. When her friends wanted to play dress-up, she wanted to the daughter of Robin Hood. When her friends wanted to play dollhouse - she wanted to make aliens out of legos. She built huts out of tree branches and pretended to hunt squirrels with her toy bow and arrow, then went inside for 'tea and crumpets'. She enjoyed learning new words, and reading about far-off places, and talking with adults because adults conversations were so much more interesting to her.
But the one thing she loved, above all else, was to tell stories.
Hours, every day, before she could even write them down, she was telling them. Princess and Dragons, horses that could run millions of miles in a second, trips over the Swiss Alps, it didn't matter to her. Her favorite story was that of a noble princess from far away who freed the oppressed people from a tyrant king.
These she played and told alone, because there was no one to do it with her. Her friends didn't understand the attraction. So, before long, she sank into herself, into her world of fantasy, and didn't come out until one fateful day.
It was the day that would change her life. A day she has never forgotten.
Her best friend told her other friends she was crazy. The words stung. She was labeled an outcast. So, alone, she returned to her bedroom and continued to weave tales, convinced that she would never find anybody in the world who would understand.
"So, alone she returned to her bedroom,
and continued to weave tales,
convinced she would never find anybody
in the world who would."
That little girl was me...
and the one who played my game with me is now my best friend in the whole, wide Universe. She is also a writer, and she inspires me to be who I am. Because of her, I found the courage to branch out and discover that there were other little girls just like me, and that we weren't insane - we simply had what was called an overactive imagination. Today, those others like me, we hang out together, drinking tea and eating crumpets. We're writers, musicians, actors, and artists... and we never would have found each other had we not been inspired by our mutual insanity.
Do you have a mutual story? Or... perhaps you know someone who was like me. Perhaps you know someone who is just a little different. Please understand... that person is not insane. They're not strange. They certainly don't deserve to be alone. They're not anti-social, they're not awkward, they're not drifting. They're waiting.
They are waiting for that one person to come along and tell them that it's okay to be them. That they're not the only ones. There are over 6 billion people on this planet, and yes, there is only you - but that doesn't mean that you're alone. We're human, and we're special, and we were made to live extraordinary lives. Nobody should be shut out of communion with another human being and made to think that they're strange because they're different.
Everybody has their own little area of life that's like that: forgotten dreams, hidden interests that you think are strange... or too different. Please know that it's okay. You are important. Don't be afraid. Fear does not inspire greatness, and it does not ever teach you to be who you were made to be. Those little quirks are what make you you, so accept them. Know that you are not alone on the planet. There's so many other human beings - and your chances are very, very good of finding someone that understands you, but you'll never know if you don't have the courage to look. Human beings are made for friendship. Friendship is what makes us stronger. It grows us. Without our friends we would be so much less... because our friends are the ones that believe in us enough to let us know that even if we are a bit odd, and a bit strange, and bit mad... they love us anyway, and they know that we can be great as us.
There is no such thing as an unimportant human being.
go out and find the person that inspires you to be you.
"Don't be afraid to seem a bit mad. All the best people in the world are a bit mad in some way or another." - The Doctor
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